Welcome to

Bella Vista Animal Shelter

Pet Adoption is

Our Shared Mission: To rescue and rehabilitate the homeless animals of Bella Vista. We provide food, shelter, and medical care for animals in need until they can be reunited or adopted to loving homes.

BVAS Is a 501(C)(3) Animal Shelter In Bella Vista, AR that relies on donations to keep the doors open.

about us

Our Shelter

BVAS is a small, non-profit 501(c)(3), animal shelter that, since 1985, has been located in Bella Vista, Arkansas. We are dedicated to rescuing and reuniting.

Our Shared Mission: To rescue and rehabilitate the homeless animals of Bella Vista. We provide food, shelter, and medical care for animals in need until they can be reunited or adopted to loving homes.

A dog and cat are being petted by two people.

Adoption Stories

  • A New Home

    Each year we service over 500 dogs from the city of Bella Vista. We know they would rather be at home with you.

  • A blue bone is shown on the ground.

    Safe Enviroment

    Every day our staff interacts with each animal providing fresh water and food. Every living space is cleaned with bleach and deodorizer.

A painting of animals in the back of a car.
  • A blue train is on the tracks in front of green background.


    For $20 your pet can be microchipped at the shelter. This allows any vets office or animal welfare agency to identify the pet with a quick scan. We will also register the chip for you and update if your information changes.

  • A blue dog is sitting on the ground

    Healthy Pets

    We are limiting the number of people entering the kennels. We encourage you to stop in and tell us what you need in a companion and we will bring the dogs to you.

what we do

Our Benefits

The no-kill shelter is managed by an elected, volunteer board. We have seven full time employees and numerous volunteers. The shelter cares for over 500 dog and cats a year. Animals are fed, Dogs walked and their kennel is cleaned 365 days a year. All this is made possible by hundreds of concerned citizens who give so generously of their time and money. 

The welfare of the animals is our driving concern. Consider adopting  one of our animals.  We will do what we can to ensure that an animal can stay out of our shelter and in a loving home.

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Contact Us


32 Bella Vista Way, Bella Vista, AR 72714

Our Hours

TUES-SUN 10:00 – 4:00

MON Closed

Contact Info

Phone: (479) 855-6020

Email: [email protected]

Send us a Message

A dog and cat standing next to each other.


Rescue dogs are often a mixed breed and tend to live longer. If you are looking for a particular breed, we recommend going to their particular rescue group. Even if they are not local, they will have resources. We do not recommend people profiting off their animals offspring ever.

Tuesday – Sunday 10 AM- 4PM

Closed 1PM Christmas Eve (12/24)

Closed Christmas day (12/25)

Closed Christmas Observed (12/26)

Visit us. We have a volunteer application for animals and events. Visit with an adoptable animal and write a bio with a hand drawn picture, and we will post it. Encourage those in your neighborhood to alter their animals.

We have found that Purina One works best with all our residence’s tummy’s.

It helps them live longer lives and keeps them at home. Animals that are not altered, tend to roam, become aggressive and of course, reproduce at an alarming rate. An average cat has 1-8 kittens per litter and 2-3 litters per year. 

Cat / Kitten  $60

Dog / Puppy $75

Includes: Spay / Neuter

Vaccinations (fvrcp/dhlpp)


Microchip registered to you (we will even update if you move or change your phone #)

Bella Vista Animal Shelter is not affiliated with any “larger” non-profit, there is no parent company. We operate solely on individual donations, grants and a city contract for the stray dogs of Bella Vista. Our fundraisers, community and friends provide for our growing dog and cat population. THANK YOU!

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That’s okay! We would love to chat. Reach out and we will help you the best we can!